Thursday, June 23, 2011

London is Calling

(Lily was helping me pack/attempting to stowaway in my suitcase.)

Today is the day! As I type this I'm steadily getting everything ready so my family and I can head out to Atlanta so I can catch my flight at 9pm! I'm super pumped but also a little tired, which I suppose is good so I can sleep on the plane. I've been running errands all morning. My father decided at the last minute to add the international feature on my phone and I also discovered that my drivers license was expired! Phew, I dodged that bullet.

This is my last post from the States! If anyone wants to contact me the best way will be via Skype. My name is aubs7113.

Ok. Suitcase packed. Check. Passport. Check. Debit card. Check. Ready to go to freakin' London, England for the Summer? CHECK.

Let's go!

aubrie xxxx :)

From (Very Soon) London, With Love

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