Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tanked. Tooled. Faced. Ramped. Rat-Arsed.

Hi! This is my first post documenting my summer abroad trip to London, England! Hurrah! Yippy! Yay! I decided to start my blog now because for the first time, I feel like I'm actually going to London this summer.

My mother and father are the best parents ever for sending me to London. Done. End of story. Fin. But because of the (wonderful) surprise of the engagement of both of my sisters, they have been going crazy with getting it all together. So, I was worried if I was actually going to be able to go. However, all is done and paid for and yesterday (Saturday 14) was the European Council Summer Orientation hosted at Georgia College (such a long drive, let me tell you!).

At the orientation I got my flight information, met my professors, and met some cool Harry Potter enthusiasts who were just as excited about the July 7 premiere as I am!

Yesterday was also (technically) the first day of classes. My AM class is Contemporary Art: London. Most of our class is focused on our final project: making a visual journal of things we find in London. It can be chewing gum found on the street, newspaper clippings, thrift store finds--anything! What an awesome final project! We are also taking loads of field trips including trips to the Saatchi Gallery, Tate: Britain and Modern, and the Hayward Gallery. Also...we are going to be able to see some real Banksy's (see below)!

My PM class is American and Britain in the 1960's. The class has a bit of reading--but most of it will be done before our trip--so I won't be reading in a stuffy dorm room my whole trip! The class sounds interesting and the professor has an astonishing sailor's mouth--I would never have guessed!

I also came to the conclusion that I'll be taking a long weekend trip to either Ireland, France, or Belgium. I'm so indecisive! So, if anyone has any suggestions--feel free to share.

Well I'm out for now.

--From (soon London), with Love xx

**also if you were wondering about the blog title...British slang is amusingly diverse. Tanked, tooled, faced, ramped, and rat-arsed are apparently a few, of the many, words for drunk.