Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hyde Park Perfection

So, we heard that Mumford & Sons was playing nearby in Hyde Park. Needless to say, we got on the first tube outta here. It only took about 20 minutes to get there (including walking). Let this be a side note on public transportation in London--I love it. Yes, it's confusing at first and yes, maybe I miss driving a little bit. However, the transportation is so easy to navigate and it's also quick! I also love the fact that I can walk to my grocery store. I'm not missing having to fill up my gas tank just to get a gallon of milk.
So, back on Mumford & Sons--the tickets were sadly 55 pounds, which translates to about $100 (too much to spend!). Caroline, Laura, and I opted to do what other people were doing in the part--sit and listen. It was so perfect. I will always think back on this day as being the epitome of what life in London is about. It's about sitting in the park with a glass of wine with friends and just being happy. The sun was setting--it was truly a beautiful moment that lasted all night.
Let me just say a few things about the above pictured crazies. They have been my best friends here in London and I couldn't have asked to have better hall-mates or class-mates. We all share a weird sense of humor that no one else seems to understand and I've told them things I would have never told anyone. I really don't think I would have had the same experience without them here.

-aubrie xx

From London, With Love

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